Bonjour Friends! 

I’m Dr. Chrissy

Trauma & Critical Care Surgeon
Whole Body Optimism™ founder & CEO

Beyond the operating room, I help busy healthcare professionals get their time back, discover more energy, and feel better in their own skin… through the power of clean living!

The journey to creating Whole Body Optimism began with my experiences as a trauma surgeon and my growing awareness of the challenges faced by healthcare professionals. In the high-pressure environment of trauma surgery, I witnessed first-hand the toll that demanding healthcare roles can take on physical and mental health. Despite the focus on caring for others, many healthcare professionals often neglect their own well-being.

The turning point came when I was diagnosed with infertility, which I contribute largely to prolonged stress and neglect of my own personal health. I had a fellow surgeon tell me: “there are many surgeons out there for the patients, but there will only be one that can be the mother to your future babies.” I had to take a step back and prioritize my health, mentally and physically. I realized that I needed to “clean up” what I was doing all around me. If I expected different results, I needed to develop a more intentional and clean practice of taking care of my mind, body, and soul

I then realized that while medical training equipped us to care for others, there was a significant gap in how healthcare professionals cared for themselves. This gap was not just in physical health, but also in mental and emotional well-being. Witnessing the burnout, stress, and lifestyle-related health issues among my peers, I felt compelled to take action outside of the traditional healthcare system.

Thus, Whole Body Optimism was born out of the need to bridge this gap. The goal was to create a platform that not only focused on physical health through clean living and nutrition but also addressed mental and emotional burden that we were all facing. I wanted to offer tools and resources that were easily accessible and tailored to the busy lives of healthcare professionals.

The name ‘Whole Body Optimism’ reflects the belief that a positive outlook starts with a healthy, well-cared-for whole body – mind, body, and soul. The philosophy is rooted in the idea that by taking care of our physical health, we can enhance our mental and emotional well-being, leading to a more optimistic outlook on life and better care for our patients.

Whole Body Optimism is more than just a wellness program; it’s a movement towards changing the narrative around healthcare professionals’ health and self-care. It’s about creating a community where caring for oneself is seen as essential as caring for patients.

Through this platform, healthcare professionals can find the support and resources they need to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. By accomplishing this, you will find more free time for yourself, find more energy to reclaim the day, and feel better in your own skin! Let’s GEAUX!

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ingredients to avoid at the grocery store

Confused about what ingredients to avoid at the grocery store?

This easy to use guide will help turn you into an “ingredient inspector” and ensure you are taking home clean groceries to you and your family!